

Hello Dear readers, anyone there.

Here I am sitting on my sofa thinking about what shall I write in my first blog entry ever. 

My brain is full of ideas and concepts I want to share but as someone said keep it simple stupid and get to the point, people do not have the time to waste on your tribulations. At the same time I hate being rushed, impersonal and matter of factly. So there is this fine balance to be made between empathy and cold efficiency.  

This is the hardest part finding that perfect equilibrium.

Maybe the best way to start is to give you a chronological order of how Carusel came to life so that you can take a walk in my shoes. 

I believe that our lives are a sequence of memorable experiences that line up one after another into one long and eventful journey. If we look behind our shoulder we can see how these sequences led us to where we are today. We might be where we want to be or maybe not yet. Whatever is the case at least we can see how these experiences shaped us and learn from them in order to continue our course or set sails to another direction.

Well this is my journey. Let’s take a ride   

People like to hear an origin story so here is mine. 

I was born in ex-Yougoslavia (now Serbia) in a town whose name I dare you to pronounce – Kragujevac. I was only 10 years old when  war started. In hard times you have to learn, think and act fast. Necessity is the mother of invention as they say. 

As you can imagine early in my life I got the opportunity to see things and people for what they truly are. It is in adversity that we show our real selves.Some might say I got cynical or pessimistic but over idealizing things is definitely not my thing. It didn’t stop me from dreaming though it only made me more realistic and practical. 

10 years of troubles passed by in what would be your typical teenagehood (for lack of knowing better) with war, violence, economic crisis you name it on a side. In spite of everything, life continues but you still can enjoy it even in the darkest of times. It kinda becomes an imperative of a sort. 

This is a lesson learned from life during a war time. Enjoy yourself whenever you can grab an opportunity.  

Fast forward and I am in my early 20’s in Paris as a young student/immigrant with no knowledge of France nor French language for that matter or anything the western world has to offer good or bad. 

New start and new challenge but when you are young you accept challenges head on and adapt easily. I like to think that this remains one of my qualities to this day. 

Now when I look back I can only consider myself lucky to be able to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself and my beliefs because Per Aspera Ad Astra. 

Once my studies finished and degrees obtained (MBA in Economics and Master in Geopolitics) I also wanted to finish being poor, so I got a job as  customer care representative in one of the big international insurance companies. 

You would think a boring and soulless corporate job but in a way this was a dream come true. As my company was an international one we had employees, clients, providers, subcontractors etc from ALL around the world.

I always wanted to meet people from literally everywhere, learn from and work with them and get to know myself better in a process.

Well this is exactly what happened. As I used to say back in the day, “for me to travel around the world it suffices to come to the office”. Colleagues from all over the world became close friends. From clients and providers I’ve learned a lot about different cultures and ways to conduct oneself and the business in a multinational and multicultural environment.  I got to see the world and not just as a tourist passing by (traveling is one of my biggest passions in life) but to really create life lasting bonds with people from different backgrounds. 

For this I’ve realized you need open mindedness  and resilience which I like to believe is also one of my qualities. 

To listen and understand but to share as well creating an environment of mutual respect and inclusion that benefits each and every one of us.

From a professional standpoint I’ve learned a lot from tending to the needs of clients as diverse as mine. From individual backpacker students traveling the world to multinational CEOs I’ve seen it all. Different needs, cultures, characters to be managed and addressed with care and diligence not just as a client but as a human being in need. 

Also seeing behind the scenes mechanics and dynamics of one multinational company gives you a perspective on how complex structures work. How to deal with processes, technology and culture and how to achieve synergy between these key components . 

You learn what to do and most importantly what NOT to do. You learn how experiences affect organizations and how organizations affect individuals whether it is customer experience, employee experience, product experience or brand experience. 

After 15 years in customer experience management I realized that it is a perfect moment for me to share my savoir faire et savoir être and start building something on my own. Old enough to have experience and knowledge (both theoretical and practical) but still young enough to have that youthful energy to push me forward. It’s all about that perfect balance.  

To make things even better, I teamed up with my lifelong friends who happen to be confirmed experts in their own fields of digital branding, marketing, IT and CX. We are a sort of A-Team catering to all of your needs.

So, finally I am proud to present to you Carousel CX infused Branding – a customer experience optimization company

Your life is a carousel and we are the only ride you need 

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